We really are in a financial crisis.
I’m getting calls daily to take dogs and have lost count of trainers ex racers waiting to come in but space is an issue but more than that funds.
We owe over 9k to our vets that we must pay asap. I’m getting constant reminders and if our dogs need the vets we are going to struggle to use them until we clear the debt.
The rescue world is in absolute crisis I personally have never seen it so bad with the sheer amount of animals needing help and getting put to sleep. Funds have never been so low so this is effecting what dogs we can take because we simply can’t afford them.
I Also have dogs in Spain to get home and Irish Greyhounds are for sale on the sites in Spain that I can’t help because I just can’t fund them. I’m shamelessly begging people to donate if they can to either our bank, PayPal or the vets. If you call the vets please make sure you say it’s for us. Even a £1 will help chip away at it. The way it’s going I’m going to have to close the doors to new dogs sooner rather than later