Meat trade survivors Hondo and Aurora

Hondo and Aurora are two beautiful Greyhounds rescued from the Dog meat Trade in mainland China by our sister rescue Candys Hound Rescue International.
What this means is these two precious Greyhounds would have been slaughtered for someone to eat them. They are not exported Greyhounds from Ireland, Australia or the UK they are China-bred dogs and would have raced on the underground tracks in China. This is what the exported dogs from the Greyhound Board of Great Britain and the Irish greyhound board dogs are exported for; they are then bred from in China. Once these dogs can’t race anymore they are slaughtered for meat. The GBGB and IGB knows this happens but apparently they can’t stop it.
Greyhounds are still exported to China from Ireland and Australia and are then used for breeding in China. A country with zero animal welfare laws and no rehoming program for the exported dogs or the off spring. You CAN NOT own a big dog in the big cities in China; the police are now stricter in Beijing and are actively seizing people’s dogs.
The Greyhound industry are still sending these precious souls to China without a second thought because it’s all about money; the Greyhound Racing industry is rotten to the core.
No dog should be exported to China and certainly not dogs that are meant to be protected. These dogs are slaves to the humans that race them and breed them. The exports are one of the worse sides of the disgusting racing industry and what is more sickening is no one is doing anything about it.
#flighttofreedom #YouBetTheyDie

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