From her FosterMum Jayne “She arrived in a blaze of glory (well the northern lights was dancing when she arrived ) Has had time to decompress and just get used to her new surroundings , she has mind mapped everywhere and has started to get out and about now
She’s been on walks , met new friends , been to the shops , got treats and mugged everyone for hugs , she loves a fuss
Being blind doesn’t impact her at all , she uses all her other senses , so much so that I have to check myself and others do too and say nope she can’t see , she’s got no eyes !
Luna is funny , fearless and at times feisty (not afraid to tell anyone off if she needs to ) and joins in when her fosters are barking at
This tiny cute little pod amazes me and everyone that meets her
She will be an amazing addition to those that adopt her and will make them smile every day