Important update

I’m sure most people are aware of the struggles rescues are facing right now.
The pressure’s we are all under is like I have never experienced before. I have so many dogs waiting to come in from racing kennels, rescues from Ireland asking me to take dogs. I get tagged and messaged daily to take dogs at risk and then theres the dogs beinh surrendered by owners.
Unfortunately we can’t work miracles and something has to give. I have 12 dogs in boarding waiting to come in and unfortunately once they are all with us I’m going to have to drop the numbers to get on top of vet bills etc. West Sussex will have less dogs and I will have less once all the China dogs that are due to arrive are here.I’m hoping this will be short term but we need more support each month.
I know times are extremely hard for people and most people support many rescues or charity’s so I’m not saying we are more important but what I will say is we need more monthly standing orders to keep going and saving the amount of dogs we save.
I hate posts like this because I know we have amazing support but sometimes it’s not enough. Even a couple of pound a month makes such a massive difference.People don’t tend to believe that but it really does.Standing orders are what keeps rescues going.
Sorry this post is difficult  but I have to be real with people. I have already spoken with some team members about what the plan is which isn’t nice but it has to be done. I need to get the vet bills sorted and get us in a better financial position. Thank you for reading and the on going support

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