Our gorgeous Flint has been with us now for 7 months and he is really blossoming in so many ways! His coat is growing back beautifully and the bald patches have nearly all gone now. He has beautiful Deerhound colours coming through too and even his eyebrows have sprouted more hairs! It is beyond me how someone could not feed such a loving, gorgeous dog properly! I was shocked when I looked at a photo from when he first had him, his coat was so thin and you could see his ribs How far he has come now! He has such a wonderful personality and gets so excited about his walks that he barks and jumps around! He is so affectionate and comes right up to us a few times a day for cuddles and tickles! We can’t believe how lucky we are to have found him, he is the lurcher that we hoped we would find after losing our beloved Deerhound last year. It has been so rewarding to feed him up and get him back into condition and watch his true personality emerge. We all adore him! xxx