Hadley the pod is looking for his forever home!

What a boy, he may be deaf, but it doesn’t hold him back.
He’s a beauty with a big heart. He adores humans and my greyhounds. He’s sooooo playful, loves tug of war, fetch, play fights with my greys. And sleeps like the dead when he flops down after a ton of fun.
He can be boisterous, yet he knows when he’s pushed his luck. He’s learning sign language and has definitely aced ‘No!’.
Loves his food, takes his treats so gently. He works his Trixie hidden treat toy in seconds. He’s very smart.
Like all Podencos he can:
Leap, a 3 foot gate is nothing to him, he’ll jump it from standing still.
Chews his feet (very Pondeco trait).
Bonds to a human with tenacity (me for now).
Shouts, quite loudly with a scream if it’s prey ie a bird.
Destroyer of toys, ropes are a firm favourite.
Guards, my neighbours in their garden are a constant source of vigilance!
Above all, he’s a young, bouncy, playful, endlessly funny boy with a ton of love to give.
Ideally he’d live with another spritely young dog, that has the energy to keep up with him, a whippet, lurcher, terrier, spaniel type but that doesn’t mean he won’t fit in with other breeds, you might have to play with him more though!

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