Evie Needs A Special Home

Please read Evie needs special home❤️She came to us last year for biting her owner on the face.Evie was on the sofa guarding it,Completely not her fault but it’s taken her a while to adjust but her foster momma Tracey has been excellent with her.
Evie the love bug.
This girl just love cuddles and has recently started giving kisses. In addition bum scratches must now be administered liberally.
Zoomies in the morning with her housemates are a must. Once she’s knows you, you are her best friend, same rule applies to adult humans and greyhounds.
Young humans are confusing and when they squeak are far too exciting.
Sleeping alone is safest and best, although picking the right bed can take a while!
There’s many to choose from here and Evie will make the others get off her favourite bed!!!
Walks with her best grey friends are much nicer than on her own, Evie is ok if non greys are in the distance, but tenses up if they get close and welcomes distraction, treats and turning away from interlopers!
Car rides are fun, and Evie lies down quickly.
Food is best eaten at top speed and alone as Evie will always search out more. Given the chance she would steal it from any bowl. (She never gets the chance). And prawn crackers are a recently found new delight.
Evie understands that the sofa is not a sharing place with humans, but always tries to climb on your lap for attention, making her an excellent TV view blocker!!

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